The Seven Chakras


The Seven Chakras

Chakras are stations along the central vertical axis of your being. Each Chakra point is an area through which energy can be expressed for a certain set of actions, attitudes and emotions.

Chakras are a map of the soul, which must vibrate at a specific resonance for healing to occur.  These points are essential to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth.  When these points are healthy and in balance, it is echoed in our daily life.


Base Chakra (first)

Location: Base of the spine

Color: Red

Element: Earth

Sense: Smell

Associated Gland: Adrenal:  Controls body solids, such as the spinal column, bones, teeth and nails, the blood, building process of cells, the colon and rectal area.

Qualities or Functions: survival, power to achieve goals, vitality, grounding, material, security, stability, stillness and courage.

When this Chakra is out of balance you energy levels are low and there is no enthusiasm for life.


Sacral Chakra (second)

Location:  Below the navel

Color:  Orange

Element: Water

Sense: Taste

Associated Organs/System – Skin, reproduction organs, kidneys, bladder, circulatory system and lymphatic system.

Qualities or Functions:  primal feelings, enthusiasm and openness to others, personal creativity.


Solar Plexus/Stomach Chakra (third)

Location:  Above the navel, but below the chest

Color:  Yellow

Element: Fire

Sense:  Sight

Associated Organs / System – Pancreas, liver, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, autonomic nervous system, lower back, muscles

Qualities or Functions:  Personal power, social identity, influence, authority, self-control, energy, will peach, radiance, joy, inner harmony, vitality, and inner strength.

When this Chakra is not functioning well, a person may experience rapid mood swings, and may suffer from depression, introversion, lethargy, poor digestion, abnormal eating habits and skin problems.


Heart Chakra (fourth)

Location:  The center of the chest

Color:  Green or pink

Element: Air

Sense:  Touch

Associated Glands:  Thymus – Controls the heart, blood circulation, immune system, lower lungs, rib cage, skin and upper back.

Qualities or Functions:  unconditional love, harmony, forgiveness, healing, compassion, understanding, personal transformation, warmth, sharing, devotion and selflessness.

When this Chakra is out of balance, it can lead to heart attacks, stomach ulcers, an unhappy emotional life, fear, bitterness and resentment.


Throat Chakra (fifth)

Location: The throat area

Color:  Blue

Element: Ether

Sense:  Sound

Associated Glands:  Thyroid – Controls the jaw, neck, throat, voice, airways, upper lungs and arms

Qualities or Functions:  creative self-expression, communication, inspiration, wisdom, confidence, integrity, truth, freedom and independence.

Imbalance in this Chakra can lead to asthma, vertigo, allergies, fatigue, laryngitis, sore throats and menstrual problems.


Brow Chakra (sixth)

Location: Middle of the forehead

Color:  Indigo

Glands:  Pituitary – Controls the endocrine system, the left brain, the left eye, nose, ears, sinuses and parts of the nervous system.

Qualities or functions:  Inner vision, intuition, clairvoyance, insight, perception, imagination, concentration, peach of mind, projection of will and manifestation.

Instability in this area leads to tiredness, irritability, confusion and rigid thoughts.  Imbalances can lead to sinus problems, stress, neuritis and migraines.


Crown Chakra (seventh)

Location:  The top of head

Color:  Violet or White

Element: Thought

Related Organ: Brain

Associated Glands:  Pineal – Controls cerebrum, right brain hemisphere, right eye, central nervous system.

Qualities or Functions:  Perfection, integration, unity with the divine, wisdom and purpose, universal consciousness, understanding and enlightenment.